(custom_account_settings)= # Customizing the user account settings form This document describes how to customize the user account settings form which can be found by clicking "Account settings" at the bottom of the main menu. ## Adding new panels Each panel on this form is a separate model form that can operate on an instance of either the user model, or the {class}`wagtail.users.models.UserProfile`. ### Basic example Here is an example of how to add a new form that operates on the user model: ```python # forms.py from django import forms from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model class CustomSettingsForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = get_user_model() fields = [...] ``` ```python # wagtail_hooks.py from wagtail.admin.views.account import BaseSettingsPanel from wagtail import hooks from .forms import CustomSettingsForm @hooks.register('register_account_settings_panel') class CustomSettingsPanel(BaseSettingsPanel): name = 'custom' title = "My custom settings" order = 500 form_class = CustomSettingsForm form_object = 'user' ``` The attributes are as follows: - `name` - A unique name for the panel. All form fields are prefixed with this name, so it must be lowercase and cannot contain symbols - - `title` - The heading that is displayed to the user - `order` - Used to order panels on a tab. The builtin Wagtail panels start at `100` and increase by `100` for each panel. - `form_class` - A `ModelForm` subclass that operates on a user or a profile - `form_object` - Set to `user` to operate on the user, and `profile` to operate on the profile - `tab` (optional) - Set which tab the panel appears on. - `template_name` (optional) - Override the default template used for rendering the panel ## Operating on the `UserProfile` model To add a panel that alters data on the user's {class}`wagtail.users.models.UserProfile` instance, set `form_object` to `'profile'`: ```python # forms.py from django import forms from wagtail.users.models import UserProfile class CustomProfileSettingsForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = UserProfile fields = [...] ``` ```python # wagtail_hooks.py from wagtail.admin.views.account import BaseSettingsPanel from wagtail import hooks from .forms import CustomProfileSettingsForm @hooks.register('register_account_settings_panel') class CustomSettingsPanel(BaseSettingsPanel): name = 'custom' title = "My custom settings" order = 500 form_class = CustomProfileSettingsForm form_object = 'profile' ``` ## Creating new tabs You can define a new tab using the `SettingsTab` class: ```python # wagtail_hooks.py from wagtail.admin.views.account import BaseSettingsPanel, SettingsTab from wagtail import hooks from .forms import CustomSettingsForm custom_tab = SettingsTab('custom', "Custom settings", order=300) @hooks.register('register_account_settings_panel') class CustomSettingsPanel(BaseSettingsPanel): name = 'custom' title = "My custom settings" tab = custom_tab order = 100 form_class = CustomSettingsForm ``` `SettingsTab` takes three arguments: - `name` - A slug to use for the tab (this is placed after the `#` when linking to a tab) - `title` - The display name of the title - `order` - The order of the tab. The builtin Wagtail tabs start at `100` and increase by `100` for each tab ## Customizing the template You can provide a custom template for the panel by specifying a template name: ```python # wagtail_hooks.py from wagtail.admin.views.account import BaseSettingsPanel from wagtail import hooks from .forms import CustomSettingsForm @hooks.register('register_account_settings_panel') class CustomSettingsPanel(BaseSettingsPanel): name = 'custom' title = "My custom settings" order = 500 form_class = CustomSettingsForm template_name = 'myapp/admin/custom_settings.html' ``` ```html+django {# templates/myapp/admin/custom_settings.html #} {# This is the default template Wagtail uses, which just renders the form #} {% block content %} {% for field in form %} {% include "wagtailadmin/shared/field.html" with field=field %} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} ```