(custom_image_filters)= # Custom image filters Wagtail comes with [various image operations](image_tag). To add custom image operation, add `register_image_operations` hook to your `wagtail_hooks.py` file. In this example, the `willow.image` is a Pillow Image instance. If you use another image library, or like to support multiple image libraries, you need to update the filter code accordingly. See the [Willow documentation](https://willow.wagtail.org/stable/) for more information. ```python from PIL import ImageFilter from wagtail import hooks from wagtail.images.image_operations import FilterOperation class BlurOperation(FilterOperation): def construct(self, radius): self.radius = int(radius) def run(self, willow, image, env): willow.image = willow.image.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=self.radius)) return willow @hooks.register("register_image_operations") def register_image_operations(): return [ ("blur", BlurOperation), ] ``` Use the filter in a template, like so: ```html+Django {% load wagtailimages_tags %} {% image page.photo width-400 blur-7 %} ```