# Wagtail 5.2.5 release notes _May 1, 2024_ ```{contents} --- local: depth: 1 --- ``` ## What's new ### Bug fixes * Respect `WAGTAIL_ALLOW_UNICODE_SLUGS` setting when auto-generating slugs (LB (Ben) Johnston) * Use correct URL when redirecting back to page search results after an AJAX search (Sage Abdullah) * Provide [`convert_mariadb_uuids`](convert_mariadb_uuids) management command to assist with upgrading to Django 5.0+ on MariaDB (Matt Westcott) ## Upgrade considerations ### Changes to UUID fields on MariaDB when upgrading to Django 5.0 Django 5.0 introduces support for MariaDB's native UUID type on MariaDB 10.7 and above. This breaks backwards compatibility with `CHAR`-based UUIDs created on earlier versions of Django and MariaDB, and so upgrading a site to Django 5.0+ and MariaDB 10.7+ is liable to result in errors such as `Data too long for column 'translation_key' at row 1` or `Data too long for column 'uuid' at row 1` when creating or editing pages. To fix this, it is necessary to run the [`convert_mariadb_uuids`](convert_mariadb_uuids) management command (available as of Wagtail 5.2.5) after upgrading: ```sh ./manage.py convert_mariadb_uuids ``` This will convert all existing UUID fields used by Wagtail to the new format. New sites created under Django 5.0+ and MariaDB 10.7+ are unaffected.