========================= Wagtail 2.4 release notes ========================= *December 19, 2018* .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 What's new ========== New "Welcome to your Wagtail site" Starter Page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When using the ``wagtail start`` command to make a new site, users will now be greeted with a proper starter page. Thanks to Timothy Allen and Scott Cranfill for pulling this off! .. figure:: ../_static/images/tutorial/tutorial_1.png :alt: Wagtail welcome message Other features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added support for Python 3.7 (Matt Westcott) * Added ``max_count`` option on page models to limit the number of pages of a particular type that can be created (Dan Braghis) * Document and image choosers now show the document / image's collection (Alejandro Garza, Janneke Janssen) * New ``image_url`` template tag allows to generate dynamic image URLs, so image renditions are being created outside the main request which improves performance. Requires extra configuration, see :doc:`/advanced_topics/images/image_serve_view` (Yannick Chabbert, Dan Braghis). * Added ability to run individual tests through tox (Benjamin Bach) * Collection listings are now ordered by name (Seb Brown) * Added ``file_hash`` field to documents (Karl Hobley, Dan Braghis) * Added last login to the user overview (Noah B Johnson) * Changed design of image editing page (Janneke Janssen, Ben Enright) * Added Slovak character map for JavaScript slug generation (Andy Chosak) * Make documentation links on welcome page work for prereleases (Matt Westcott) * Allow overridden ``copy()`` methods in ``Page`` subclasses to be called from the page copy view (Robert Rollins) * Users without a preferred language set on their profile now use language selected by Django's ``LocaleMiddleware`` (Benjamin Bach) * Added hooks to customise the actions menu on the page create/edit views (Matt Westcott) * Cleanup: Use ``functools.partial()`` instead of ``django.utils.functional.curry()`` (Sergey Fedoseev) * Added ``before_move_page`` and ``after_move_page`` hooks (Maylon Pedroso) * Bulk deletion button for snippets is now hidden until items are selected (Karl Hobley) Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ * Query objects returned from ``PageQuerySet.type_q`` can now be merged with ``|`` (Brady Moe) * Add ``rel="noopener noreferrer"`` to target blank links (Anselm Bradford) * Additional fields on custom document models now show on the multiple document upload view (Robert Rollins, Sergey Fedoseev) * Help text does not overflow when using a combination of BooleanField and FieldPanel in page model (Dzianis Sheka) * Document chooser now displays more useful help message when there are no documents in Wagtail document library (gmmoraes, Stas Rudakou) * Allow custom logos of any height in the admin menu (Meteor0id) * Allow nav menu to take up all available space instead of scrolling (Meteor0id) * Users without the edit permission no longer see "Edit" links in list of pages waiting for moderation (Justin Focus, Fedor Selitsky) * Redirects now return 404 when destination is unspecified or a page with no site (Hillary Jeffrey) * Refactor all breakpoint definitions, removing style overlaps (Janneke Janssen) * Updated draftjs_exporter to 2.1.5 to fix bug in handling adjacent entities (Thibaud Colas) * Page titles consisting only of stopwords now generate a non-empty default slug (Andy Chosak, Janneke Janssen) * Sitemap generator now allows passing a sitemap instance in the URL configuration (Mitchel Cabuloy, Dan Braghis) Upgrade considerations ====================== Removed support for Django 1.11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Django 1.11 is no longer supported in this release; please upgrade your project to Django 2.0 or 2.1 before upgrading to Wagtail 2.4. Custom image model migrations created on Wagtail <1.8 may fail ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Projects with a custom image model (see :ref:`custom_image_model`) created on Wagtail 1.7 or earlier are likely to have one or more migrations that refer to the (now-deleted) ``wagtailimages.Filter`` model. In Wagtail 2.4, the migrations that defined this model have been squashed, which may result in the error ``ValueError: Related model 'wagtailimages.Filter' cannot be resolved`` when bringing up a new instance of the database. To rectify this, check your project's migrations for ``ForeignKey`` references to ``wagtailimages.Filter``, and change them to ``IntegerField`` definitions. For example, the line: .. code-block:: python ('filter', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='+', to='wagtailimages.Filter')), should become: .. code-block:: python ('filter', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),