# Wagtail 5.2.1 release notes _November 16, 2023_ ```{contents} --- local: depth: 1 --- ``` ## What's new ### Bug fixes * Add a fallback background for the editing preview iframe for sites without a background (Ian Price) * Remove search logging from project template so that new projects without the search promotions module will not error (Matt Westcott) * Ensure text only email notifications for updated comments do not escape HTML characters (Rohit Sharma) * Use logical OR operator to combine search fields for Django ORM in generic IndexView (Varun Kumar) * Ensure that explorer_results views fill in the correct next_url parameter on action URLs (Matt Westcott) * Fix crash when accessing the history view for a translatable snippet (Sage Abdullah) * Prevent upload of SVG images from failing when image feature detection is enabled (Joshua Munn) * Fix crash when using the locale switcher on the snippets create view (Sage Abdullah) * Fix performance regression on reports from calling `decorate_paginated_queryset` before pagination / filtering (Alex Tomkins) * Make searching on specific fields work correctly on Elasticsearch when boost is in use (Matt Westcott) * Prevent snippet permission post-migrate hook from failing on multiple database configurations (Joe Tsoi) * Reinstate ability to filter on page type when searching on an empty query (Sage Abdullah) * Prevent error on locked pages report when a user has locked multiple pages (Matt Westcott) ### Documentation * Fix code example for `{% picture ... as ... %}` template tag (Rezyapkin)