
Wagtail is designed for speed, both in the editor interface and on the front-end, but if you want even better performance or you need to handle very high volumes of traffic, here are some tips on eking out the most from your installation.

Editor interface

We have tried to minimise external dependencies for a working installation of Wagtail, in order to make it as simple as possible to get going. However, a number of default settings can be configured for better performance:


We recommend Redis as a fast, persistent cache. Install Redis through package manager and enable it as a cache backend:

    'default': {
        'BACKEND': 'redis_cache.cache.RedisCache',
        'LOCATION': '',
        'OPTIONS': {
            'CLIENT_CLASS': 'redis_cache.client.DefaultClient',

Without a persistent cache, Wagtail will recreate all compressable assets at each server start, e.g. when any files change under `./ runserver`.


Wagtail is tested on SQLite, and should work on other Django-supported database backends, but we recommend PostgreSQL for production use.

Public users

Caching proxy

To support high volumes of traffic with excellent response times, we recommend a caching proxy. Both Varnish and Squid have been tested in production. Hosted proxies like Cloudflare should also work well.

New in version 0.4: Wagtail supports automatic cache invalidation for Varnish/Squid. See Frontend cache purging for more information.