Using images outside Wagtail

Wagtail provides a way for you to generate external URLs for images in your image library which you can use to display your images on external sites.


Add an entry in your URLs configuration for wagtail.wagtailimages.urls:

from wagtail.wagtailimages import urls as wagtailimages_urls

urlpatterns = patterns('',

    url(r'^images/', include(wagtailimages_urls)),


Generating URLs for images

Once the above setup is done, a button should appear under the image preview on the image edit page. Clicking this button will take you to an interface where you can specify the size you want the image to be, and it will generate a URL and a preview of what the image is going to look like.

The filter box lets you choose how you would like the image to be resized:

Leaves the image at its original size - no resizing is performed.
Resize to max

Fit within the given dimensions.

The longest edge will be reduced to the equivalent dimension size defined. e.g A portrait image of width 1000, height 2000, treated with the max dimensions 1000x500 (landscape) would result in the image shrunk so the height was 500 pixels and the width 250.

Resize to min

Cover the given dimensions.

This may result in an image slightly larger than the dimensions you specify. e.g A square image of width 2000, height 2000, treated with the min dimensions 500x200 (landscape) would have it’s height and width changed to 500, i.e matching the width required, but greater than the height.

Resize to width
Reduces the width of the image to the dimension specified.
Resize to height
Resize the height of the image to the dimension specified..
Resize to fill

Resize and crop to fill the exact dimensions.

This can be particularly useful for websites requiring square thumbnails of arbitrary images. For example, a landscape image of width 2000, height 1000, treated with fill dimensions 200x200 would have its height reduced to 200, then its width (ordinarily 400) cropped to 200.

Using the URLs on your website or blog

Once you have generated a URL, you can put it straight into the src attribute of an <img> tag:

<img src="(image url here)">