
Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is the best place to find answers to your questions about working with Wagtail - there is an active community of Wagtail users and developers responding to questions there. When posting questions, please read Stack Overflow’s advice on how to ask questions and remember to tag your question with “wagtail”.

Mailing list

For topics and discussions that do not fit Stack Overflow’s question-and-answer format, there is a Wagtail Support mailing list at


The Wagtail Slack workspace is open to all users and developers of Wagtail. To join, head to:

Please use the #support channel for support questions. Support is provided by members of the Wagtail community on a voluntary basis, and we cannot guarantee that questions will be answered quickly (or at all). If you want to see this resource succeed, please consider sticking around to help out! Also, please keep in mind that many of Wagtail’s core and expert developers prefer to handle support queries on a non-realtime basis through Stack Overflow, and questions asked there may well get a better response.


If you think you’ve found a bug in Wagtail, or you’d like to suggest a new feature, please check the current list at If your bug or suggestion isn’t there, raise a new issue, providing as much relevant context as possible.


Finally, if you have a query which isn’t relevant for any of the above forums, feel free to contact the Wagtail team at Torchbox directly, on or @wagtailcms.