Third-party tutorials¶
The following list is a collection of tutorials and development notes from third-party developers. Some of the older links may not apply to the latest Wagtail versions.
- Create a Developer Portfolio with Wagtail Tutorial Series (11 November 2020)
- Image upload in wagtail forms (21 October 2020)
- Wagtail multi-language and internationalization (8 April 2020)
- Wagtail SEO Guide (30 March 2020)
- Adding a latest-changes list to your Wagtail site (27 March 2020)
- How to support multi-language in Wagtail CMS (22 February 2020)
- Deploying my Wagtail blog to Digital Ocean Part 1 of a 2 part series (29 January 2020)
- How to Create and Manage Menus of Wagtail application - An updated overview of implementing menus (22 February 2020)
- Adding a React component in Wagtail Admin - Shows how to render an interactive timeline of published Pages (30 December 2019)
- Wagtail API - how to customize the detail URL (19 December 2020)
- How to Add Django Models to the Wagtail Admin (27 August 2019)
- How do I Wagtail - An Editor’s Guide for Mozilla’s usage of Wagtail (25 April 2019)
- Learn Wagtail - Regular video tutorials about all aspects of Wagtail (1 March 2019)
- How to add buttons to ModelAdmin Index View in Wagtail CMS (23 January 2019)
- Wagtail Tutorial Series (20 January 2019)
- How to Deploy Wagtail to Google App Engine PaaS (Video) (18 December 2018)
- How To Prevent Users From Creating Pages by Page Type (25 October 2018)
- How to Deploy Wagtail to Jelastic PaaS (11 October 2018)
- Basic Introduction to Setting Up Wagtail (15 August 2018)
- E-Commerce for Django developers (with Wagtail shop tutorial) (5 July 2018)
- Supporting StreamFields, Snippets and Images in a Wagtail GraphQL API (14 June 2018)
- Wagtail and GraphQL (19 April 2018)
- Wagtail and Azure storage blob containers (29 November 2017)
- Building TwilioQuest with Twilio Sync, Django [incl. Wagtail], and Vue.js (6 November 2017)
- Upgrading from Wagtail 1.0 to Wagtail 1.11 (19 July 2017)
- Wagtail-Multilingual: a simple project to demonstrate how multilingual is implemented (31 January 2017)
- Wagtail: 2 Steps for Adding Pages Outside of the CMS (15 February 2016)
- Adding a Twitter Widget for Wagtail’s new StreamField (2 April 2015)
- Working With Wagtail: Menus (22 January 2015)
- Upgrading Wagtail to use Django 1.7 locally using vagrant (10 December 2014)
- Wagtail redirect page. Can link to page, URL and document (24 September 2014)
- Outputing JSON for a model with properties and db fields in Wagtail/Django (24 September 2014)
- Bi-lingual website using Wagtail CMS (17 September 2014)
- Wagtail CMS – Lesser known features (12 September 2014)
- Wagtail notes: stateful on/off hallo.js plugins (9 August 2014)
- Add some blockquote buttons to Wagtail CMS’ WYSIWYG Editor (24 July 2014)
- Adding Bread Crumbs to the front end in Wagtail CMS (1 July 2014)
- Extending hallo.js using Wagtail hooks (9 July 2014)
- Wagtail notes: custom tabs per page type (10 May 2014)
- Wagtail notes: managing redirects as pages (10 May 2014)
- Wagtail notes: dynamic templates per page (10 May 2014)
- Wagtail notes: type-constrained PageChooserPanel (9 May 2014)
You can also find more resources from the community on Awesome Wagtail.
We are working on a collection of Wagtail tutorials and best practices. Please tweet @WagtailCMS or contact us directly to share your Wagtail HOWTOs, development notes or site launches.