Wagtail 2.8 release notes

What’s new

Django 3.0 support

This release is compatible with Django 3.0. Compatibility fixes were contributed by Matt Westcott and Mads Jensen.

Improved page locking

The page locking feature has been revised so that the editor locking a page is given exclusive edit access to it, rather than it becoming read-only to everyone. A new Reports menu allows admin / moderator level users to see the currently locked pages, and unlock them if required.

This feature was developed by Karl Hobley and Jacob Topp-Mugglestone. Thanks to The Motley Fool for sponsoring this feature.

Other features

  • Removed leftover Python 2.x compatibility code (Sergey Fedoseev)
  • Combine flake8 configurations (Sergey Fedoseev)
  • Improve diffing behavior for text fields (Aliosha Padovani)
  • Improve contrast of disabled inputs (Nick Smith)
  • Added get_document_model_string function (Andrey Smirnov)
  • Added support for Cloudflare API tokens for frontend cache invalidation (Tom Usher)
  • Cloudflare frontend cache invalidation requests are now sent in chunks of 30 to fit within API limits (Tom Usher)
  • Added ancestors field to the pages endpoint in admin API (Karl Hobley)
  • Removed Django admin management of Page & Site models (Andreas Bernacca)
  • Cleaned up Django docs URLs in documentation (Pete Andrew)
  • Add StreamFieldPanel to available panel types in documentation (Dan Swain)
  • Add {{ block.super }} example to ModelAdmin customisation in documentation (Dan Swain)
  • Add ability to filter image index by a tag (Benedikt Willi)
  • Add partial experimental support for nested InlinePanels (Matt Westcott, Sam Costigan, Andy Chosak, Scott Cranfill)
  • Added cache control headers when serving documents (Johannes Vogel)
  • Use sensitive_post_parameters on password reset form (Dan Braghis)
  • Add WAGTAILEMBEDS_RESPONSIVE_HTML setting to remove automatic addition of responsive-object around embeds (Kalob Taulien)

Bug fixes

  • Rename documents listing column ‘uploaded’ to ‘created’ (LB (Ben Johnston))
  • Unbundle the l18n library as it was bundled to avoid installation errors which have been resolved (Matt Westcott)
  • Prevent error when comparing pages that reference a model with a custom primary key (Fidel Ramos)
  • Moved get_document_model location so it can be imported when Models are not yet loaded (Andrey Smirnov)
  • Use correct HTML escaping of Jinja2 form templates for StructBlocks (Brady Moe)
  • All templates with wagtailsettings and modeladmin now use block.super for extra_js & extra_css (Timothy Bautista)
  • Layout issue when using FieldRowPanel with a heading (Andreas Bernacca)
  • file_size and file_hash now updated when Document file changed (Andreas Bernacca)
  • Fixed order of URLs in project template so that static / media URLs are not blocked (Nick Smith)
  • Added verbose_name_plural to form submission model (Janneke Janssen)
  • Prevent update_index failures and incorrect front-end rendering on blank TableBlock (Carlo Ascani)
  • Dropdown initialisation on the search page after AJAX call (Eric Sherman)
  • Make sure all modal chooser search results correspond to the latest search by canceling previous requests (Esper Kuijs)

Upgrade considerations

Removed support for Django 2.0

Django 2.0 is no longer supported as of this release; please upgrade to Django 2.1 or above before upgrading Wagtail.

Edit locking behaviour changed

The behaviour of the page locking feature in the admin interface has been changed. In past versions, the page lock would apply to all users including the user who locked the page. Now, the user who locked the page can still edit it but all other users cannot.

Pages that were locked before this release will continue to be locked in the same way as before, so this only applies to newly locked pages. If you would like to restore the previous behaviour, you can set the WAGTAILADMIN_GLOBAL_PAGE_EDIT_LOCK setting to True.

Responsive HTML for embeds no longer added by default

In previous versions of Wagtail, embedded media elements were given a class name of responsive-object and an inline padding-bottom style to assist in styling them responsively. These are no longer added by default. To restore the previous behaviour, add WAGTAILEMBEDS_RESPONSIVE_HTML = True to your project settings.

API endpoint classes have moved

For consistency with Django REST Framework, the PagesAPIEndpoint, ImagesAPIEndpoint and DocumentsAPIEndpoint classes have been renamed to PagesAPIViewSet, ImagesAPIViewSet and DocumentsAPIViewSet and moved to the views module in their respective packages. Projects using the Wagtail API should update their registration code accordingly.

Old code:

from wagtail.api.v2.endpoints import PagesAPIEndpoint
from wagtail.api.v2.router import WagtailAPIRouter
from wagtail.images.api.v2.endpoints import ImagesAPIEndpoint
from wagtail.documents.api.v2.endpoints import DocumentsAPIEndpoint

api_router = WagtailAPIRouter('wagtailapi')
api_router.register_endpoint('pages', PagesAPIEndpoint)
api_router.register_endpoint('images', ImagesAPIEndpoint)
api_router.register_endpoint('documents', DocumentsAPIEndpoint)

New code:

from wagtail.api.v2.views import PagesAPIViewSet
from wagtail.api.v2.router import WagtailAPIRouter
from wagtail.images.api.v2.views import ImagesAPIViewSet
from wagtail.documents.api.v2.views import DocumentsAPIViewSet

api_router = WagtailAPIRouter('wagtailapi')
api_router.register_endpoint('pages', PagesAPIViewSet)
api_router.register_endpoint('images', ImagesAPIViewSet)
api_router.register_endpoint('documents', DocumentsAPIViewSet)

wagtail.documents.models.get_document_model has moved

The get_document_model function should now be imported from wagtail.documents rather than wagtail.documents.models. See Custom document model.

Removed Page and Site models from Django admin

The Page and Site models are no longer editable through the Django admin backend. If required these models can be re-registered within your own project using Django’s ModelAdmin:

# my_app/admin.py
from django.contrib import admin

from wagtail.core.models import Page, Site
