
Viewsets are Wagtail’s mechanism for defining a group of related admin views with shared properties, as a single unit. See Generic views.


class wagtail.admin.viewsets.base.ViewSet(name, **kwargs)

Defines a viewset to be registered with the Wagtail admin.

  • name – A name for this viewset, used as the URL namespace.

  • url_prefix – A URL path element, given as a string, that the URLs for this viewset will be found under. Defaults to the same as name.

All other keyword arguments will be set as attributes on the instance.


Called when the viewset is registered; subclasses can override this to perform additional setup.


Returns a set of URL routes to be registered with the Wagtail admin.


Returns the namespaced URL name for the given view.


class wagtail.admin.viewsets.model.ModelViewSet(name, **kwargs)

A viewset to allow listing, creating, editing and deleting model instances.


Required; the model class that this viewset will work with.


A list of model field names that should be included in the create / edit forms.


Used in place of form_fields to indicate that all of the model’s fields except the ones listed here should appear in the create / edit forms. Either form_fields or exclude_form_fields must be supplied (unless get_form_class is being overridden).


Returns the form class to use for the create / edit forms.

icon = ''

The icon to use to represent the model within this viewset.

index_view_class = <class 'wagtail.admin.views.generic.models.IndexView'>

The view class to use for the index view; must be a subclass of wagtail.admin.views.generic.IndexView.

add_view_class = <class 'wagtail.admin.views.generic.models.CreateView'>

The view class to use for the create view; must be a subclass of wagtail.admin.views.generic.CreateView.

edit_view_class = <class 'wagtail.admin.views.generic.models.EditView'>

The view class to use for the edit view; must be a subclass of wagtail.admin.views.generic.EditView.

delete_view_class = <class 'wagtail.admin.views.generic.models.DeleteView'>

The view class to use for the delete view; must be a subclass of wagtail.admin.views.generic.DeleteView.


class wagtail.admin.viewsets.chooser.ChooserViewSet(*args, **kwargs)

A viewset that creates a chooser modal interface for choosing model instances.


Required; the model class that this viewset will work with.

icon = 'snippet'

The icon to use in the header of the chooser modal, and on the chooser widget

choose_one_text = 'Choose'

Label for the ‘choose’ button in the chooser widget when choosing an initial item

page_title = None

Title text for the chooser modal (defaults to the same as choose_one_text)`

choose_another_text = 'Choose another'

Label for the ‘choose’ button in the chooser widget, when an item has already been chosen

edit_item_text = 'Edit'

Label for the ‘edit’ button in the chooser widget

per_page = 10

Number of results to show per page

choose_view_class = <class 'wagtail.admin.views.generic.chooser.ChooseView'>

The view class to use for the overall chooser modal; must be a subclass of wagtail.admin.views.generic.chooser.ChooseView.

choose_results_view_class = <class 'wagtail.admin.views.generic.chooser.ChooseResultsView'>

The view class used to render just the results panel within the chooser modal; must be a subclass of wagtail.admin.views.generic.chooser.ChooseResultsView.

chosen_view_class = <class 'wagtail.admin.views.generic.chooser.ChosenView'>

The view class used after an item has been chosen; must be a subclass of wagtail.admin.views.generic.chooser.ChosenView.

create_view_class = <class 'wagtail.admin.views.generic.chooser.CreateView'>

The view class used to handle submissions of the ‘create’ form; must be a subclass of wagtail.admin.views.generic.chooser.CreateView.

base_widget_class = <class 'wagtail.admin.widgets.chooser.BaseChooser'>

The base Widget class that the chooser widget will be derived from.


Returns the form widget class for this chooser.

widget_telepath_adapter_class = None

The adapter class used to map the widget class to its JavaScript implementation - see Form widget client-side API. Only required if the chooser uses custom JavaScript code.

register_widget = True

Defaults to True; if False, the chooser widget will not automatically be registered for use in admin forms.

base_block_class = <class 'wagtail.blocks.field_block.ChooserBlock'>

The base ChooserBlock class that the StreamField chooser block will be derived from.

get_block_class(name=None, module_path=None)

Returns a StreamField ChooserBlock class using this chooser.

  • name – Name to give to the class; defaults to the model name with “ChooserBlock” appended

  • module_path – The dotted path of the module where the class can be imported from; used when deconstructing the block definition for migration files.

creation_form_class = None

Form class to use for the form in the “Create” tab of the modal.

form_fields = None

List of model fields that should be included in the creation form, if creation_form_class is not specified.

exclude_form_fields = None

List of model fields that should be excluded from the creation form, if creation_form_class. If none of creation_form_class, form_fields or exclude_form_fields are specified, the “Create” tab will be omitted.

create_action_label = 'Create'

Label for the submit button on the ‘create’ form

create_action_clicked_label = None

Alternative text to display on the submit button after it has been clicked

creation_tab_label = None

Label for the ‘create’ tab in the chooser modal (defaults to the same as create_action_label)

search_tab_label = 'Search'

Label for the ‘search’ tab in the chooser modal