(jinja2)= # Jinja2 template support Wagtail supports Jinja2 templating for all front end features. More information on each of the template tags below can be found in the [](writing_templates) documentation. ## Configuring Django Django needs to be configured to support Jinja2 templates. As the Wagtail admin is written using standard Django templates, Django has to be configured to use **both** templating engines. Add the Jinja2 template backend configuration to the `TEMPLATES` setting for your app as shown here: ```python TEMPLATES = [ { "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates", # ... the rest of the existing Django template configuration ... }, { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2', 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'extensions': [ 'wagtail.jinja2tags.core', 'wagtail.admin.jinja2tags.userbar', 'wagtail.images.jinja2tags.images', ], }, } ] ``` Jinja templates must be placed in a `jinja2/` directory in your app. For example, the standard template location for an `EventPage` model in an `events` app would be `events/jinja2/events/event_page.html`. By default, the Jinja environment does not have any Django functions or filters. The Django documentation has more information on {class}`django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2` (configuring Jinja for Django). ## `self` in templates In Django templates, `self` can be used to refer to the current page, stream block, or field panel. In Jinja, `self` is reserved for internal use. When writing Jinja templates, use `page` to refer to pages, `value` for stream blocks, and `field_panel` for field panels. ## Template tags, functions & filters ### `pageurl()` Generate a URL for a Page instance: ```html+jinja More information ``` See [](pageurl_tag) for more information ### `slugurl()` Generate a URL for a Page with a slug: ```html+jinja About us ``` See [](slugurl_tag) for more information ### `image()` Resize an image, and print an `` tag: ```html+jinja {# Print an image tag #} {{ image(page.header_image, "fill-1024x200", class="header-image") }} {# Resize an image #} {% set background=image(page.background_image, "max-1024x1024") %}
``` See [](image_tag) for more information ### `|richtext` Transform Wagtail's internal HTML representation, expanding internal references to pages and images. ```html+jinja {{ page.body|richtext }} ``` See [](rich_text_filter) for more information ### `wagtail_site` Returns the Site object corresponding to the current request. ```html+jinja {{ wagtail_site().site_name }} ``` See [](wagtail_site_tag) for more information ### `wagtailuserbar()` Output the Wagtail contextual flyout menu for editing pages from the front end ```html+jinja {{ wagtailuserbar() }} ``` See [](wagtailuserbar_tag) for more information ### `{% include_block %}` Output the HTML representation for the stream content as a whole, as well as for each individual block. Allows to pass template context (by default) to the StreamField template. ```html+jinja {% include_block page.body %} {% include_block page.body with context %} {# The same as the previous #} {% include_block page.body without context %} ``` See [StreamField template rendering](streamfield_template_rendering) for more information. ```{note} The ``{% include_block %}`` tag is designed to closely follow the syntax and behaviour of Jinja's ``{% include %}``, so it does not implement the Django version's feature of only passing specified variables into the context. ```