# Viewsets Viewsets are Wagtail's mechanism for defining a group of related admin views with shared properties, as a single unit. See [Generic views](../extending/generic_views). ## ViewSet ```{eval-rst} .. autoclass:: wagtail.admin.viewsets.base.ViewSet .. automethod:: on_register .. automethod:: get_urlpatterns .. automethod:: get_url_name ``` ## ModelViewSet ```{eval-rst} .. autoclass:: wagtail.admin.viewsets.model.ModelViewSet .. attribute:: model Required; the model class that this viewset will work with. .. attribute:: form_fields A list of model field names that should be included in the create / edit forms. .. attribute:: exclude_form_fields Used in place of ``form_fields`` to indicate that all of the model's fields except the ones listed here should appear in the create / edit forms. Either ``form_fields`` or ``exclude_form_fields`` must be supplied (unless ``get_form_class`` is being overridden). .. automethod:: get_form_class .. autoattribute:: icon .. autoattribute:: index_view_class .. autoattribute:: add_view_class .. autoattribute:: edit_view_class .. autoattribute:: delete_view_class ``` ## ChooserViewSet ```{eval-rst} .. autoclass:: wagtail.admin.viewsets.chooser.ChooserViewSet .. attribute:: model Required; the model class that this viewset will work with. .. autoattribute:: icon .. autoattribute:: choose_one_text .. autoattribute:: page_title .. autoattribute:: choose_another_text .. autoattribute:: edit_item_text .. autoattribute:: per_page .. autoattribute:: preserve_url_parameters .. autoattribute:: choose_view_class .. autoattribute:: choose_results_view_class .. autoattribute:: chosen_view_class .. autoattribute:: chosen_multiple_view_class .. autoattribute:: create_view_class .. autoattribute:: base_widget_class .. autoattribute:: widget_class .. autoattribute:: widget_telepath_adapter_class .. autoattribute:: register_widget .. autoattribute:: base_block_class .. automethod:: get_block_class .. autoattribute:: creation_form_class .. autoattribute:: form_fields .. autoattribute:: exclude_form_fields .. autoattribute:: create_action_label .. autoattribute:: create_action_clicked_label .. autoattribute:: creation_tab_label .. autoattribute:: search_tab_label ``` ## SnippetViewSet ```{eval-rst} .. autoclass:: wagtail.snippets.views.snippets.SnippetViewSet .. autoattribute:: list_display .. autoattribute:: filterset_class .. autoattribute:: index_view_class .. autoattribute:: add_view_class .. autoattribute:: edit_view_class .. autoattribute:: delete_view_class .. autoattribute:: usage_view_class .. autoattribute:: history_view_class .. autoattribute:: revisions_view_class .. autoattribute:: revisions_revert_view_class .. autoattribute:: revisions_compare_view_class .. autoattribute:: revisions_unschedule_view_class .. autoattribute:: unpublish_view_class .. autoattribute:: preview_on_add_view_class .. autoattribute:: preview_on_edit_view_class .. autoattribute:: lock_view_class .. autoattribute:: unlock_view_class ```